Hollywood actor turned book publisher Corey Blake knows the value of vulnerability. Initially, Corey scored success baring his soul on-stage. Today, he’s encouraging business leaders to do the same, but in the pages of their own books.
Everyone from corner suite CEOs to wide-eyed interns has insecurities. But rather than hide those feelings away, Corey encourages us to open up and embrace the complexities of our own humanness. Watch my recent chat with Corey Blake and learn more about this storyteller’s fascinating journey.
Corey is the publisher of Conscious Capitalism Press, the founder and CEO of Round Table Companies (RTC) and a speaker, artist and storyteller. He previously starred in one of the 50 greatest Super Bowl commercials of all time (Mountain Dew, “Bohemian Rhapsody”), has won 15 independent publishing awards and has been featured on the cover of the Wall Street Journal as well as in the New York Times, USA Today, Inc., Forbes and Wired.
Corey’s storytelling clients have included Tony Hsieh, Marshall Goldsmith, Robert Cialdini, Magoosh, Which Wich Superior Sandwiches and Terlato Wines. Prior to RTC and CC Press, Corey earned his SAG union card by working eight days on David Fincher’s Fight Club before starring in commercial campaigns for Fortune 500 companies including American Express, Mitsubishi, Pepsi, Wrigley’s Gum, Miller Beer and Hasbro. Corey’s spot for Yard Fitness, where he plays basketball naked, won Belding, Bronze Lion and London Advertising awards.
Corey is also the creator of the Vulnerability Wall and the Vulnerability is Sexy™ card game. His documentary of the same name won 2017 Addy and Hermes awards for branded content. He has spoken at YPO events, business schools, publicly traded companies and annual conferences and is a frequent speaker, facilitator and emcee at Conscious Capitalism events around the country.
Connect With Corey Blake Online:
Round Table Companies Website: www.roundtablecompanies.com/
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/coblake
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CoreyMichaelBlake
Twitter: twitter.com/CoreyBlake9000
Instagram: www.instagram.com/coreyblake9000
Vulnerability is Sexy™: The Game:
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