In this video, Raghav Sir will teach you about 1D ARRAYS in DETAIL. This is Lecture 7 of the C Programming series. Topics covered are - syntax and declaration, output and input, memory allocation, passing Arrays to functions and LOTS of questions. 2D ARRAYS will be covered in the next Lecture in detail, coming SOON.
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00:00 Introduction
03:34 What is an Array?
08:40 Syntax and Declaration
13:10 Indexing in Arrays
16:08 Accessing Array elements
24:07 Output and Input using LOOPS
38:49 Prob 1 : Given array of marks, print marks less than 35
45:00 Prob 2 : Find the correct declarations
48:47 Prob 3 : Indexing based question
49:39 Memory allocation in Arrays
1:00:48 Prob 4 : Predict the output - 1
1:03:10 Prob 5 : Predict the output - 2
1:07:37 Garbage Values
1:09:04 Prob 6 : Find the error - 1
1:12:13 Prob 7 : Find the error - 2
1:13:17 Prob 8 : Print the sum of elements in given array
1:18:14 HW 1 : Print the product of elements in given array
1:19:11 Prob 9 : Print the maximum element in given array
1:31:26 HW 2 : Print the minimum element in given array
1:31:36 Prob 10 : MCQ - 1
1:33:01 Prob 11 : MCQ - 2
1:34:56 Prob 12 : MCQ - 3
1:35:14 Passing ARRAYS to FUNCTIONS
1:44:36 Prob 13 : State True or False
1:45:47 Prob 14 : Multiply odd indexed elements by 2 and add 10 to the even elements
1:52:38 HW 3 : Print elements greater than x
1:53:59 Prob 15 : Print difference b/w odd indexed and even indexed elements
1:58:12 Prob 16 : Find total number of pairs whose sum add up to x
2:07:07 Prob 17 : Find total number of triplets whose sum add up to x
2:12:50 Prob 18 : Find the second largest element in Array
2:19:28 **Prob 19 : Find second largest element in single pass of array
2:42:15 Prob 20 : WAP to copy elements of array to another array in reverse order
2:46:06 *Prob 21 : Reverse the Array without using extra array
2:53:35 HW 4 : Check if given Array is Palindrome or not
2:54:52 **Prob 22 : Rotate the given Array by ‘k’ steps
3:18:55 Prob 23 : Check if the given element in present in Array or not
3:35:42 HW 5 : Find the missing element in given range
3:39:40 Prob 24 : Find the duplicate element in given array
3:44:15 Prob 25 : Find unique number, where all other elements are duplicate
3:59:30 Comment kardo na fir ki - Maza aa gaya
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