The day begins with great tension and a significant fight in the engineer's house. He nervously opens the door to the intruders and criminals. Suddenly, the gang of criminals, along with their boss, burst the door with a terrible noise and rush into the house on their motorbikes.
The tension reaches its peak; the bullies immediately attack the engineer and the operator and, together, humiliate and injure them. The house becomes a battlefield in which the resistance of the engineer and the operator is severely strained.
After being severely injured, they have no choice but to surrender. But in the meantime, the boss of the gang of criminals enters and forces the engineer to surrender with terrible threats. He gives Parvana a few days to agree and hand over the children to her ex-husband, and then leaves the house.
But the breathtaking story is not over yet. Parvaneh faints upon seeing the dire situation and the serious injuries to the engineer and operator.
Questions remain unanswered: Are the engineer and operator so badly injured that they cannot react? And what will happen to Parvaneh, who has fallen unconscious? Stay with us to watch the continuation of this tense and exciting story!
#Nazanin was kidnapped
#Executive_Engineer_of_Life #Arrest_Criminals
#Rescue_Nazanin_Kidnapped #Bullying_at_Home