On this week’s episode of Gay Men Going Deeper, Matt interviews the “dick doctor” Urologist Dr. Joshua Gonzalez. They candidly explore some of the most taboo topics related to the penis. From erectile dysfunction to circumcision, increasing your size to foreskin, we got you covered.
Topics we discuss in this episode:
🍆 Circumcision
🍆 Foreskin
🍆 Erectile dysfunction
🍆 Premature ejaculation
🍆 Masturbation
🍆 All things cum
🍆 Penis size
🍆 Pelvic health
🍆 Peyronie's disease
This episode is filled with tons of great information on the causes and treatments of sexual dysfunctions many of us struggle with, as well as how to take care of your penis to obtain optimal health. Our hope is this conversation helps you feel like you are not alone if you have sexual dysfunction or shame about your penis. It is important to have these conversations so we heal penis shame and learn to love the one and only penis we are given.
Today's Guest:
◾Dr. Joshua Gonzalez
Website - www.joshuagonzalezmd.com
Facebook - www.facebook.com/JoshuaGonzalezMD
Instagram - www.instagram.com/joshuagonzalezmd/
TikTok - www.tiktok.com/@joshuagonzalezmd
Today's Host:
◾Matt Landsiedel
Website - www.mattlandsiedel.com/
Facebook - www.facebook.com/inspiredtobeauthentic
Instagram - www.instagram.com/inspiredtobeauthentic
TikTok - www.tiktok.com/@inspiredtobeauthentic
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Book: A Headache in the Pelvis
Matt’s YouTube video on ED and Performance Anxiety: • Overcoming Sexual Performance Anxiety...
📚 ONLINE LEARNING: Gay Men Going Deeper Coaching Collection: www.gaymensbrotherhood.com/gaymengoingdeeper/
🎉 FACEBOOK GROUP: www.facebook.com/groups/gaymensbrotherhood
♥️ ATTACHENT STYLE QUIZ: Get your free report delivered to your inbox: www.tryinteract.com/share/quiz/62851d14697a640018d…
ℹ️ ABOUT: Gay Men Going Deeper is a podcast and YouTube channel about personal development, mental health and sexuality.
MATT LANDSIEDEL - www.mattlandsiedel.com/
MICHAEL DIIORIO - www.wellismo.com/
RENO JOHNSTON - itjustgotreno.com/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/gaymensbrotherhood
Twitter: twitter.com/brotherhood_gay
TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@gaymengoingdeeper
Website: www.gaymensbrotherhood.com/
This is a conscious community for gay men to connect with each other on the journey of healing from shame and becoming more authentic and aligned to their truth. We aim to offer inspiration, support, connection, healing, and a safe space to show up just as you are. Our vision for the members is to learn to feel more comfortable showing up vulnerably so deeper intimacy can be established in our community. We dream of a gay community where everyone can feel more connected to one another in more ways than just superficial and we can feel less lonely and have deeper connections to one another.
► Join 1000's of gay men in building a supportive community: gay-mens-brotherhood.ck.page/keepmeupdated
00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:00 General Opinion of Circumcision as Urologist
00:12:00 Sexual Dysfunction Between Circumcised and Intact Men
00:12:33 Caring for a Circumcised Penis
00:16:50 Cleaning the Foreskin
00:18:10 For Those Who Have an Intact Penis
00:19:52 Erectile Dysfunction
00:31:00 Pelvic Health
00:34:10 Treatments for Venous Leak
00:44:22 Botox for Pelvic Musculature
00:48:25 "Headache in the Pelvis" Book
00:51:25 Premature Ejaculation
01:05:05 Healthy Masturbation