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The previous episode is here: • Why does London have 32 boroughs?
Written by
Jay Foreman @jayforeman
Paul Kendler @kendlerpaul
Edited by
Jay Foreman
Director of Photography
Paul Kendler
Camera Assistant
Urs Robbe
Props, Costume and Production Runner
Jade Nagi @jade_nagi
Chris Walker @BigDamnArtist
Political maps by
Matt from @ElectionMapsUK
Additional (invaluable) research
Ian Pleace @lccmunicipal
Further reading: www.lccmunicipal.com/
Font vocabulary/opinions
Gareth Stranks @strnks
Further reading: typewritingblog.wordpress.com/
Bollard vocabulary
Katie Taylor @capn_katie_
Bromley sign
Ryan Griffin
Game Show Host
Mandy Dassa @MandyDassa
• Choose Your own Adventure! Start Here...
Game Show Contestant
Paul Kendler @kendlerpaul
Margaret Thatcher / Vox Pop 3
Jade Nagi @jade_nagi
Vox Pops 1 and 2
Sorry, I’ve completely forgotten their names. They approached us while we were filming, so we asked if they wanted to be in it. If you know/are one of these two people, get in touch!
Man from Hounslow
Matt Lucas @realmattlucas
Thanks to:
New London Architecture at The Building Centre
Pipers Models - creators of the New London Model