1. Benefits of The Vishnu Sahasranama
Chanting of the Vishnu Sahasranama brings endless benefits. It sets us free from the fear of poverty, disease, birth, and death. We gain a higher consciousness that makes us understand God better, and towards introspection and meditation.
2. Who created Vishnu Sahasranama ?
Vishnu Sahasranama is another masterpiece from Sage Vyasa, an extraordinary Sanskrit scholar and author of many timeless classics such as Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita, Puranas and various Stotras. Vishnu Sahasranam has been the subject of numerous commentaries, the most popular being one written by Adi Shankaracharya and now sang by M.S.Subbulakshmi !
3. What is the meaning of Vishnu Sahasranamam?
The list of the thousand names of Lord Vishnu is referred to as Vishnu Sahasranam (where in 'Sahasra' means thousand and 'nama' means name). It is a part of the Anushasana Parva of the great ancient Indian epic. There are myriad ways to worship the Supreme power that governs the entire universe.
4. Why should we read Vishnu Sahasranamam?
It takes away all obstacles and kills diseases, suffering and pain of all kinds. It can also bring about an end to the cycle of life and death. Each recitation and mediation brings about a positive change in one's consciousness and gives peace of mind.
5. When should we read Vishnu Sahasranama?
It is believed that Lord Vishnu should be worshiped on Ekadashi. Recitation of Vishnu Sahasranama Stotra should also be done, because a thousand names of Lakshmipati have been given in it.
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