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From 2005 to 2014, the immigration rate to Canada quite consistently hovered around an average of 253,000 people accepted for permanent residency in the county each year. Over this decade, 2007 showed the lowest number of new permanent residents arriving in the country with 236,753 immigrants. The highest number of immigrants during this decade arrived in 2010 when 280,688 entered the country. In 2015, Canada admitted 271,847 permanent residents, below the high of the previous decade but above the average.
Based on information provided by Statistics Canada, the increase in immigration in 2010 can be explained by a focus on processing backlogged immigration applications of previous years. Additionally, half-way through 2010, Canada increased the number of economic immigrants allowed to acquire permanent residency in the country. Finally, the 2010 Haitian earthquake led to the Canada and the provinces granting entry to many more refugees than usual. However, even the lowest year is still above the yearly immigration quota that had been set by the Canadian government.