Welcome to Episode 10 of The Curious Refuge Podcast! Our guest for this episode has been an incredibly valuable resource for us on our own AI journey and a source of inspiration. Alie Jules is an AI educator, speaker, experimenter, and news resource.
One of the things that makes Alie’s work so helpful is that she not only shares AI news on her X account but also contextualizes the updates and changes for the community. Alie tunes into Midjourney’s weekly office hours and shares the updates with the world and full disclosure is our go-to resource for seeing the office hours recaps.
Alie also runs Saana, an Intelligent Marketing agency where she uses AI to serve clients.
Check out the episode and gain some spectacular guidance for contextualizing AI tools and enhancing your marketing workflows.
Helpful Links:
Join Our Newsletter for the Latest AI Filmmaking News: curiousrefuge.com/
Our AI Filmmaking Course Starts Soon: curiousrefuge.com/ai-filmmaking
Check Out AI Advertising: curiousrefuge.com/ai-advertising
Alie's Webiste: aliejules.com/
Alie's LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/aliejules/
Alie's Youtube: @midjourneyxp
Alie's Twitter: twitter.com/aliejules
Alie's Facebook: www.facebook.com/aliejulesai
Alie's Instagram: www.instagram.com/aliejulesai
Alie's Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/aliejulesai/
Helpful Acounts:
Matt Wolfe: / @mreflow
The Rundown AI: www.therundown.ai/
AI Breakfast: aibreakfast.beehiiv.com/
AI Tools Report: aitoolreport.beehiiv.com/
Heather Cooper: x.com/HBCoop_
Rowan Cheung: x.com/rowancheung
Rob Lennon: twitter.com/thatroblennon
Salma Aboukar: x.com/Salmaaboukarr