Senua’s Saga Hellblade II Walkthrough Rauoholar is a full gameplay walkthrough and is recorded in 1440p Quad HD 60FPS on PC.
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✔️ Complete HELLBLADE 1 Series - All Episodes: ( • Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice | Full Ga... …)
✔️ Complete HELLBLADE 2 Series - All Episodes: ( • Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II - GAMEPLAY... )
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📚 Chapters:
00:00 Red Hills
05:13 Illtauga
15:44 On the Hill
28:32 Find the Hiddenfolk
The sequel to the award winning Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, Senua returns in a brutal journey of survival through the myth and torment of Viking Iceland. Intent on saving those who have fallen victim to the horrors of tyranny, Senua faces a battle of overcoming the darkness within and without.
#senuassagahellblade2 #gameplay #walkthrough