If you are looking for a fun, healing way to continue grounding practices like this, DM “Chakras” to learn more 🙏🏾
In the meantime, here are 5 yoga poses that’ll deepen your connection with Self:
1️⃣ Warrior 3
Take your time with this pose and focus on grounding all four corners of your front foot before shifting your weight. If you need a little extra support, no worries—grab a chair or lean against a wall! And don’t forget to breathe!
2️⃣ Yogi Squat
Before getting into this pose, make sure to warm up those hamstrings with some wide-legged folds and side lunges. It’s also a great idea to keep your blocks nearby to help bring the floor closer to you.
3️⃣ Mountain
This pose might look simple, but it's one of the most powerful! It gives you a chance to embrace stillness and reconnect with your true self.
4️⃣ Bowing Yoga Mudra
Start in Hero's Pose, then gently lower your crown to the mat. You can hold your hands bound behind your spine or lift them up toward the sky if you prefer. Take four nice, deep breaths before coming out of the pose.
5️⃣ Reclining Butterfly
This lovely pose is perfect for restorative classes, but you can also find variations in Vinyasa and Yin classes. If you're interested, just ask me about our private and group yoga classes! ;