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Dr. Sreenivass B J | Phone 📞 +91 97395 76694 (Online & in-person appointment can be booked online or by call) Consultant General Physician & Medical Oncologist | Akshaya Medical Center, Vidyaranyapura, Bengaluru, India
Cervical Cancer is usually we see in especially the elderly patients. So Cervical Cancer can cause bleeding for vagina especially in post menopausal ladies. So postmenopausal ladies, they usually come with postmenopausal bleeding, we call it as. And then apart from that pain and sometimes the pain during the sexual intercourse. So this is the commonest symptom we usually come across for the patients with Cervical Cancer. A part from that if patient has the cancer spread to different parts of the body, they may have a bone pain, if it has spread to the bones. If it is spread to the lungs, they may have a cough, difficulty breathing, weight loss will be there, if it is extensively spread to the body. So these are the things Cervical Cancer can cause negatively affect the body. Cervical Cancer is definitely curable, suppose we do a proper screening test, we call it as a pap smear is there. If you do the pap smear and detect the disease early so definitely the disease is curable.