Go to guitartricks.com/josephine and enter code JOSEPHINE to unlock your special offer!
Here's my fingerstyle guitar cover of "Unholy Confessions" by Avenged Sevenfold. Enjoy! Turn on captions for lyrics :)
I just noticed that it's my first time playing a fingerstyle guitar cover of an A7X song! This might not be their most popular song, but surely every A7X fan knows that this is one of their most iconic songs🔥 I was curious how it'll sound on an acoustic guitar so here it is. Hope you guys like it!
0:00 GuitarTricks offer
0:11 Unholy Confessions cover
4:56 Outro
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🎼 Tabs: www.mymusicsheet.com/jpalxndr/37568 (if you have difficulties buying, email me at musicsheet61@gmail.com ). Yang mau beli dengan rupiah, add Official Line aku @josephinealexandra (pakai @).
⚙️ My Gear
Guitar: Yamaha AC3R
Alaska Pik: bit.ly/3vrUg4P
Strings: bit.ly/33nRQZm
Capo: bit.ly/3trOOxG
Glider capo: bit.ly/3xNftZB
Tuner: bit.ly/3nW5gVX
#AvengedSevenfold #UnholyConfessions #JosephineAlexandra #FingerstyleGuitar #GuitarCover #Fingerstyle #jpalxndr