Valakilukkana Kunjole - Song of the day!
Movie : Kanmashi (2002)
Song Name : Valakilukkana Kunjole
Lyrics : S Ramesan Nair
Music : M Jayachandran
Singers : Kalabhavan Mani
Valakilukkana Kunjole | Kanmashi | M Jayachandran
| Kalabhavan Mani | Yusufali Kecheri #SongOfTheDay
#songoftheday #malayalammusic
#sainaevergreens #evergreenhits #evergreenmusic #evergreensongs
#kanmashimoviesong #valakilukkanakunjole ##sramesannair #kalabhavanmani #mjayachandran #malayalamevergreensongs #malayalamremasteredsongs #superhitmalayalamsongs #KalabhavanManisongs #mohansithara
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