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Dr Partha Basu, Head of the Early Detection, Prevention & Infections Branch at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) presents the Atlas of Breast Cancer Early Detection, prepared by IARC.
In this video, Dr Basu provides an overview of the sections and contents of the Atlas, which includes nearly 1000 freely available annotated images and videos, 186 case studies, and a quiz. It represents a substantial resource for general practitioners, nurses, radiology and pathology technicians, surgeons, gynaecologists, radiologists, and pathologists involved in the detection of various benign and malignant breast conditions, as well as students in related fields of study.
The Atlas of Breast Cancer Early Detection is a step-by-step guide to the procedure of CBE and its interpretation, diagnostic mammography, diagnostic breast ultrasound, image-guided fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC), and core biopsy of the breast.