First, head to your Class Hall in Avocation of Antonidas. Kalec will have three quests for you, each with a different magical theme: Burning Within, Chilled to the Core, and Close to Home.
For the Arcane disc in Close to Home, you need to talk to Archmage Celindra. She has been safeguarding the disc since Antonidas died. Acquiring this piece is easy, she leads you to a curtained-off room where the piece is, and it's yours.
For the Fiery disc in Burning Within, originally given to Khadgar back when he was a student in Karazhan, you'll find Archmage Alturus outside Karazhan. He tells you the portal to the piece is hidden in the cellar, and you'll need to fight your way through demons to reach it.
For the Frost disc in Chilled to the Core, meet Archmage Cedric by the Dalaran Crater. He reveals the ogres in the Ruins of Alterac have made off with the disc. While he's not too worried that the ogres will know how to use the disc, you find them casting powerful frost spells with it.
Once all three pieces are found, it's time for Dispersion of the Discs. This is a trial in the Eye of Eternity to drain the excess power from the discs.
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Music by
Gregoire Lourme - Laser Tournament
Gregoire Lourme - Revenge Assault