MONARCH LEGACY OF MONSTERS Episode 6 Breakdown | Ending Explained, Godzilla Easter Eggs & Review. We breakdown and explain the latest Apple TV science fiction Godzilla MonsterVerse streaming series for Apple TV. We talk about and breakdown episode 6, ending explained, easter eggs, MonsterVerse spoilers, and our reaction & review of this latest Apple TV science fiction Godzilla MonsterVerse streaming series, starring Anna Sawai, Kiersey Clemons, Ren Watabe, Mari Yamamoto, Anders Holm, Joe Tippett, Elisa Lasowski, Wyatt Russell, Kurt Russell, & MORE!
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Sleeping giants, the greatest detective ever, and forbidden love is what's crackalackin in episode 6 of Monarch Legacy of Monsters. There’s some intriguing things set up here, so let's jump into episode 6, small MonsterVerse movie easter eggs, things you may have missed, and some unsure maybe idk theories on where things are going.
Make that elevator come faster, as we get into Episode 6 of Monarch: Legacy of Monsters…
Kicking things off, Shaw and Keiko have to kiss ass to continue their monster hunting shenanigans, by attending the 1955 Summer Ball - Bali Hai. Which is actually a nice hint to their trip to monster island later in the episode, with “Bali hai” referring to a mystical island, visible on the horizon but not reachable aka Monster Island in this case.
Anyway Keiko unfortunately deals with the usual case of racism, with Shaw allowing it to happen. The two are clearly in lust for one another, wanting to go up and smash in the hotel later, but they’re an unconventional couple to all of the other whities around. I mentioned the theory last week that the Randa kids were actually Shaw’s, but I think it’s all a smoke screen. He and Keiko want to be together, but with the way this episode ends with the change in command of Monarch, I think this is what unfortunately puts a rift between the pair, allowing ole’ Billy Boy to weasel his way in.
Before they head off to Monarch HQ, Keiko is wary of the other generals hanging with Pucket, claiming they may want to seize Monarch’s intel and send one of the titans over to the red square. The Red Square is one of the largest squares in Moscow, and this all makes sense, because of the Cold War with Russia at this time. Randa fills them in that he’s received significant isotopic signature readings, similar to that of the Ion Dragon back in the Philippines in episode 2, that sends Keiko and Randa on a field trip to Hateruma Island aka Monster Island.
This video contains JBuck Studios MONARCH LEGACY OF MONSTERS Episode 6 Breakdown | Ending Explained, Godzilla Easter Eggs & Review /// MONARCH LEGACY OF MONSTERS Episode 6 Breakdown Reaction /// MONARCH LEGACY OF MONSTERS Episode 6 Breakdown Spoiler Review & Godzilla & MonsterVerse Easter Eggs & References
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