@mattvsjapan is a YouTuber and Cofounder of the Refold website, a language learning roadmap that teaches people how to make language fluency straightforward, fast and fun. His YouTube channel consists of interviews and tutorials on how to master learning any language, but specifically as his name might suggest, the japanese language. He has now achieved near native level fluency in Japanese using his teaching methods, one of which includes simply just watching anime.
In this podcast, we talk about:
Matt’s rough experience living in Japan for the first time (and how it changed him)
How language shapes your perception of the world
The “refold” strategy to learning any language effectively
How he stays disciplined and what keeps him motivated to learn more
Follow Matt:
YouTube: youtube.com/c/MATTvsJapan
Twitter: twitter.com/mattvsjapan
Instagram: www.instagram.com/mattvsjapan_/?hl=e
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Anchor: anchor.fm/the-hastings-harvest
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Overcast: overcast.fm/itunes1460476753/the-hastings-harvest
Intro: 0:00
Two Important Questions: 0:30
Matt Thought My Video Would Be Awful: 3:30
Matt's Experience Living Abroad In Japan: 6:27
Matt''s Top 3 Anime: 11:47
How Learning Japanese Helped Him Grow: 12:18
Does Language Change Our Perception?: 16:43
Do Japanese Hate Foreigners?: 19:45
The Coolest Thing About Japan: 23:10
What Keeps You Motivated To Learn?: 24:40
Why Is It So Easy To Learn A Language As A Baby?: 33:35
Matt's Guide To Learning Any Language: 37:44
Is Watching Anime Bad For Speaking Japanese?: 49:47
Why Can I Comprehend But Not Speak?: 52:12
Resources For Learning A Language: 55:12
How Do You Stay Disciplined?: 59:39
What Does "Success" Mean To You?: 1:05:30
Where To Find Matt: 1:08:35
#colehastings #learnjapanese #mattvsjapan