Hear from Dudley Andrew, author of French Cinema: A Very Short Introduction, on how French cinema has influenced his personal and professional life, as well as the key qualities he sees in French cinema.
Dudley Andrew is Professor of Film and Comparative Literature at Yale University. Biographer of André Bazin, he extends Bazin's thought in both What Cinema Is! (2011), and in the edited volume Opening Bazin (OUP, 2012). Working in aesthetics, hermeneutics, and cultural history, he published Film in the Aura of Art (1984), before turning to French film with Mists of Regret (1995) and Popular Front Paris (2005). For these publications, he was named Officier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French Ministry of Culture.
Buy French Cinema: A Very Short Introduction here: oxford.ly/3Lfmnyk
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