Just want to let you know what's going on with the channel and hang out with you for a bit. I don't plan to take calls during this stream but there are LIVE shows scheduled for this week:
Tuesday 7pm UK time → @slaviclanguageshub → • 🇵🇱Norbert tries to play video games i...
Wednesday 7pm UK time → @Ecolinguist → • ☎️ Ecolinguist LIVE | #7 | Let's make...
📝 Volunteer your language skills for future videos (All formats)→ forms.gle/aZeSFSsFexbmxE7UA
🤓 Join the Ecolinguist DISCORD: discord.gg/xKBQCc3V57
📧 Connect with me during the live stream → ecolinguist.com/live-stream-registration-form (you can also register in advance)
🏋️♀️ Support my Work:
My name is Norbert Wierzbicki and I am the creator of the @Ecolinguist channel.
☕️ Support the show by sending a donation → www.paypal.me/ecolinguist (I appreciate every donation no matter how big or small🤠)
📱 Follow me on Instagram: @the.ecolinguist
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