This video is largely an adaptation of Dr. Peter Gentry's article "Chaos Theory and the Text of the Old Testament." We tackle the issue of whether or not the Hebrew Bible was still fluid before the First Century A.D., and show that there was a standard, established text behind the pluriformity of texts found at Qumran. Also, we unpack how, both in the past and the present, there are different approaches to the transmission of texts: some are copied to preserve a standard, and others are updated, expanded, combined, and adorned creatively for different purposes, often so that people will understand them. These different approaches are sometimes called "repetition" and "resignification," or "conservative" and "facilitating" texts. Analysis of the surviving witnesses of the Hebrew Bible shows that both approaches were present, and were complementary. A conservative approach requires producing facilitating texts and in turn, facilitating texts presuppose a standard.
Read Peter Gentry's original article:…
Gentry's excellent nephilim video: • Were the sons of God in Genesis 6 fal...
Kingdom through Covenant:
God's Kingdom through God's Covenants:
Hebrew alphabet chart credit:
A big thank-you to Dr. Peter Gentry for making this video possible!
Para los que hablan español, ya hemos creado este curso completo para ustedes en nuestro canal en español. Aquí tienen la lista de reproducción: • EL TEXTO DE LA BIBLIA HEBREA
View the video transcript:…
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00:00 - Introduction
01:55 - Chaos Theory and the Text of the Old Testament
03:39 - Understanding the History of the Text
04:27 - A Brief Sketch of Stages in Hebrew Writing
07:48 - Important Early Manuscripts of the Masoretic Text from 800 to 1200
08:19 - Evidence for the Text before the Masoretes
09:13 - The Character of Our Earliest Witnesses
24:02 - The Function of Texts
27:54 - Different Texts for Different Audiences and Different Functions
28:33 - Complementarity
30:03 - The Evidence of the Targums
Gameplay footage from Assassin's Creed Odyssey and Assassins Creed Origins.