Easy scrappy potholder/trivet, that is very functional to have around your kitchen, will make a great gift as well :).
Check out the blog post (if you don't feel like listening to me rambling ;) bit.ly/2vgfvNO
Finished potholder/trivet measurement 9" x 9"
-Scraps of fabric
-Quilt batting (at least 10" x 10")
-Insulated batting (at least 10" x 10") amzn.to/31yln0A
-Basting Spray amzn.to/37afsAo
-Basic sewing and quilting notions
Some of my favorite tools featured in this video:
Wool Pressing mat amzn.to/2UtKr7G
Rotating cutting mat amzn.to/2S3nhTQ
Disclaimer : The above links are Amazon affiliate links, thank you for your support!
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Music licensed by Mixaund
Music credit ready to go
Ready To Go by Mixaund | mixaund.bandcamp.com/
Music promoted by www.free-stock-music.com/