Can a Terminator scenario happen ? Can A.I escape our control and destroy us ?
This video is related with the scenario of Terminator. Not General A.I.
TERMINATOR MOVIES. (1984, 1991, 2003, 2015)
DOCUMENTARY: THE AGE of A.I (Network Entertainment, Sonar Entertainment,Team Downey)
• How Far is Too Far? | The Age of A.I.
TED Conference:
Can we build AI without losing control over it. - Sam Harris.
• Can we build AI without losing contro...
Preparing for a future with Artificial Intelligence. - Robin Winsor
• Preparing for a future with Artificia...
The Terminator, SkyNet and Alexa The Present and Future of A.I. - Marc Talluto
• The Terminator, SkyNet and Alexa: The...
Elon Musk on A.I in PowerfulJRE
Google's AI AlphaGo Is Beating Humanity At Its Own Games (HBO)
Robot vs World Chess Champion-14 Vladimir Kramnik.
Alien Covenant - Meet Walter
The Great Hack - Official Trailer (Netflix)
Tesla Bot Elon Musk reveals a humanoid TESLA ROBOT
Steve Jobs introduces iPhone in 2007
Boston Dynamics videos.
Twitter: @sxdementia
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Edited by SxDementia. 2021.