Cooking with kid's vol.5 !!
We made "rice flour pizza" as a experiment!
We used the gluten free bun's recipe.
• 【まあるい米粉パン】How to make a gluten free b...
but we change the amount of sugar and oil a little.
【here is recipe!】
☆ rice flour paste (8g rice-flour + 26g water)
190g Mizuhochikara rice flour
10g potato starch
8g sugar
2g salt
3g dry yeast
150g water
(5g~)additional water
5g oil
7g Psyllium Husk
It was really good!!
I thought I wanna make it less chewy but
my kids did liked this pizza!!
【original pizza source】
・some olive oil
・half clove of garlic
・half of onion
・few salt
・some bacon(you can skip if you are vegan)
・hale can of tomato
・one bay leaf
・few red wine
・1Tbs sugar
・1Tbs ketchup
・few pepper