Yep, this day has come y'all. I've started a patreon. Hopefully everyone can understand that going forward all mods will be paid for as I won't be uploading to the Nexus anymore. If you want to become a patron the link is below, I recommend the $100 tier where you don't get anything different from the $5 tier.
Become a patron!
Also hopefully you didn't read too far into the description here to find out that yes, this was indeed a clickbait video because you just go FOOLED on lolol. Yep, got 'em. April Fools!
This was a really dumb video, hope you enjoyed lol. Thanks to 2D art Lead on Fallout London, Saffron Rice, for giving me this idea a few months ago lol
Song used:
Crab Rave by Monstercat
• Noisestorm - Crab Rave [Monstercat Re...