While recurrent high-grade glioma is a challenging diagnosis, scientists are always striving to develop new therapeutic options. One innovative approach under clinical study at the Ivy Brain Tumor Center is the use of sonodynamic therapy, a technology being developed by the company SonALAsense.
In this approach, aminolevulinic acid, or ALA, is administered to the patient intravenously, crosses the blood-brain barrier, and enters the brain. Because glioma cells are more metabolically active than the neighboring tissue, ALA preferentially accumulates in the tumor, making it sensitive to light.
Delivery of noninvasive MRI-guided focused ultrasound to the tumor produces a burst of light, killing the glioma cells without damaging the normal brain tissue.
Learn more about the Phase 0 clinical trial using sonodynamic therapy in recurrent high-grade glioma by visiting www.IvyBrainTumorCenter.org.
The Ivy Brain Tumor Center (https://www.ivybraintumorcenter.org/) at Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, AZ, is a non-profit translational research program that employs a bold, early-phase clinical trials strategy to identify new treatments for aggressive brain tumors, including glioblastoma. The Ivy Center’s Phase 0 clinical trials program is the largest of its kind in the world. It enables personalized care in a fraction of the time and cost associated with traditional drug development. In addition, unlike conventional clinical trials focusing on single drugs, its accelerated trials program tests therapeutic combinations matched to individual patients.
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