Here is a practice exam featuring questions covered on the Pearson Vue national real estate exam. Robert Rico explains the answers to each question.
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The Pearson Vue real estate exam will test you on a variety of real estate categories. This video will give you a taste of what to expect. These real estate questions are pulled from our database of exam questions. You can get access to this database by joining our exam prep package. To do so, click the link above or in the comments.
0:00 How to use this real estate practice exam
0:20 Which leads to an easement by estoppel?
1:44 What is this scenario known as?
2:51 What are imaginary north-south lines which intersect with base lines known as?
3:36 Which is not a characteristic of fee simple title?
5:43 Which deed does Diana have?
8:57 What is the name of this encumbrance?
10:52 What is considered when determining economic obsolescence?
12:56 What is it called when a one property's value decreases because of the surrounding property?
13:50 Which is not a method of estimating value?
14:53 This allows an agent to represent the principal's interest.
15:49 Which is true regarding the broker's actions?
18:33 Which is not a way to terminate agency?
20:26 Who is responsible for all acts of the associate licensee?
22:22 What are the steps of an agency disclosure process?
23:17 A landlord setting up a small studio for their tenant is referred to as...
24:01 What does a gross lease mean?
25:04 This lease type means the tenant pays a fixed rent and owner pays the rest.
26:02 Which must the listing agent disclose to the buyer?
27:26 Does a seller disclose information about litigation?
28:28 How should he handle the issue of selling his property?
29:31 When a loan applicate is denied because of their geographic area, it's called...
30:40 Which is false about real estate financing?
32:25 What is the acreage of the parcel E 1/2 of S 1/4 of SW 1/4 of section 5?
35:16 Jackie is a tenant who pays a portion of the property taxes. This is known as...
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