Familial hypercholesterolemia, or FH, is a genetic condition that can cause high cholesterol in children and adults, regardless of what they eat, how much they weigh or how much they exercise. A rare form of the condition known as homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HoFH) can cause dangerous spikes in cholesterol levels, putting children at risk for heart attacks and strokes at a young age.
Meet 11-year-old Reece, whose parents both have high cholesterol. Strange bumps on her skin led to some trips to the doctor and ultimately a diagnosis of HoFH , which changed her life.
Children whose parents have high cholesterol are at risk of having high cholesterol, too. It’s important to tell your pediatrician about anyone in your family with high cholesterol or whether your child was adopted.
This documentary was produced in partnership with the Family Heart Foundation familyheart.org/ where Jessica and Reece serve as Ambassadors. The video was created with support from Regeneron.