Kung Fu Panda 5 trailer
#kungfupanda #trailers #newmovies
Kung Fu Panda 5 is now officially under works. Yes, im not even joking. Here's everything erything that you need to know.
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📹 Fan-Edit trailer by: The Yeti
🎨 Thumbnail Artwork:
— MedJay Tigress 2 by Chocopie on Deviantsart: www.deviantart.com/chocopieai/art/Adopt-Medjay-Tig…
— Master Tigress by Brat on Deviantsart: www.deviantart.com/brat4430/art/Tigress-kung-fu-pa…
— Thumbnail Edited by: Me (Aryan ;)
🎶 BG Music:
Song: I-85
Artist: Kia
Music by: CreatorMix.com
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