Hello, my name is Summer and I suffer from a disorder called FND. I was hospitalised at the end of November 2020 due to becoming paralysed from the waist down after collapsing at school and not being able to move. Initially it was like my legs were on fire, and I was also in severe pain. Like someone pouring boiling hot water on them. But I could still wiggle my toes which was strange.
A week later after numerous test’s in hospital and some intense physio I was walking again! But little did I know this was only the beginning of my journey! I was diagnosed with something I had never heard of at aged 11, which is called Functional Neurological Disorder.
Whilst there is no real understanding of what caused my FND. My Neurophysiologist believes that with all the change in my life, and unhappiness, on top of my body changes, it’s like a computer with no memory left. It’s like my body is buffering. My brain is sending the message but the part of my body that need’s it is not receiving it and is therefore stuck and needs time to catch up.
It was really scary at first and I could not understand why this was happening to me. In time I had learned to accept the temporary paralysis. It would come and go. But then I noticed it moved into other limbs, less in my legs. Although the pain was still there. After 3 months, I started to develop other symptoms such as ticks, and Tourette like outbursts and seizures. It started off occasional but then got worse .It was embarrassing as no-one seemed to understand. We started to notice it seemed to be when I was stressed or anxious.
Who knows what the future holds for me. But I am pleased to say, I am back at dancing doing what I love. I have turned a corner at school, and back loving life again. I am getting counselling to help with my anxiety.
If you missed any of our previous #FNDandUS videos, check out our webpage here: fndhope.org/fndandus/
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