• Something's Wrong!: A Bear, a Hare, a...
by Jory John (Author), Erin Kraan (Illustrator)
Publisher : Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR)
Favorite children's tales by Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle
Support the authors, take your copies and let's read together!
A hilarious picture book from #1 New York Times–bestselling author of The Bad Seed, Jory John, paired with illustrator Erin Kraan, about a bear whose friends help him make it through a bad day!
Something's Wrong! is another read-out-loud, laugh-out-loud picture book from bestselling and beloved author Jory John, about that horrible nagging feeling that it just might not be your day―but you know you have a friend to support you no matter what.
Support the author and publisher take your copies and let's read together!
You can purchase this book on Amazon : www.amazon.com/Somethings-Wrong-Bear-Hare-Underwea…
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♪Music: Celtic nature by Edvardas Sen
download: filmmusic.io/song/10826-celtic-nature-instrumental…
Licensed under CC BY 4.0: filmmusic.io/standard-license
♪Music: Natural Paradise by MusicLFiles
Download: filmmusic.io/song/6119-natural-paradise
Licensed under CC BY 4.0: filmmusic.io/standard-license
♪Music: Soothing Nature by Chilledmusic
Download: filmmusic.io/song/8495-soothing-nature
Licensed under CC BY 4.0: filmmusic.io/standard-license
♪Music: Junglebook by Edvardas Sen
Download: filmmusic.io/song/11343-junglebook-flute-sounds-of…
Licensed under CC BY 4.0: filmmusic.io/standard-license
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