About 1300 years ago, an unexplained cosmic storm hit our planet. When scientists analyzed them in detail, they found that six such cosmic storms have struck our planet over the past few thousand years. Today, these are known as the Miyake events. Miyake events are not linked to regular solar storms that hit our planet. Studies show that such an event happens on average about once every thousand years. It would have a devastating impact on modern technology, including satellites, internet cables, and even long-distance power lines and transformers. The answer to the mystery lies in tree rings.A Miyake event is an unexplained cosmic storm that strikes our planet on average about every thousand years. These events leave their imprint in the tree rings around the globe and the ice cores of Antarctica. Scientists study the spike in the radiocarbon levels in the tree ring data to find the exact time a Miyake event occurred. It was believed that their origins lie in solar flares that regularly hit Earth. However, new studies show the Sun is not responsible for these cosmic storms.
The 46th episode of the Sunday Discovery Series explains the mystery of the Miyake events in detail.
All Episodes Of The Series: https://bit.ly/369kG4p
Basics of Astrophysics series: https://bit.ly/3xII54M
Modelling cosmic radiation events in the tree-ring radiocarbon record (2022), Q. Zhang et al. - https://bit.ly/3jPQvq6
Another rapid event in the carbon-14 content of tree rings (2013), F. Miyake et al. - https://go.nature.com/3YvBuJ9
Clips: NASA/ESA/ESO/SDO, Envato Elements, StoryBlocks, Pond5, SpaceRip,
Music: MotionElements
Created By: Rishabh Nakra and Simran Buttar
Narrated By: Jeffrey Smith
The Secrets of the Universe on the internet:
That's a problem, because if a Miyake event occurs today, it would be catastrophic. It would have a devastating impact on modern technology, including satellites, internet cables, and even long-distance power lines and transformers. If a Miyake event equivalent to the one in the year of 774 CE occurs now, it will lead to an internet apocalypse. In addition, infrastructure might get damaged and air travelers will be exposed to lethal radiation levels. That's why it's essential to understand the nature of Miyake events and the exact physical phenomenon that causes them. Once we have a better understanding, we may be able to predict them sometime in the future. This concludes the 46th episode of the Sunday Discovery series
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