What we know about energy expenditure has just changed....
...Okay, let's back up a bit.
To fulfil the law of energy conservation energy in is related to energy out. If we eat more than we expend you get weight gain and vice versa. So, energy in comes from food, but what accounts for energy out, or well, energy expenditure. Well, total energy expenditure (TEE) can be split into activity energy expenditure (AEE), so physical activity, and basal energy expenditure (BEE), the energy needed to keep our bodies functioning.
Therefore, TEE = AEE + BEE
Now, the question is, if we increase AEE by more exercise, does that result in an increased TEE? And is it additive, or is there some energy compensation in BEE?
Well, you will find out in this video as we discuss the latest research that examined this.
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Intro - 00:00
Energy expenditure - 00:30
Study results - 03:15
Discussion - 06:00
Energy compensation and adiposity in humans - doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2021.08.016
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