We are in the warm heart of Africa, Malawi on both an adventure and travel to help people who need eyeglasses with Global Vision 2020 #gv2020. Eyeglasses is one of the most unmet healthcare needs in developing countries that effects income potential as well as quality of life. This week, we are working in a United Nations refugee camp to promote education, healthcare, empowerment, and sustainable development for refugees to provide an income for their families. This United Nations High Commission for Refugees camp is overflowing with a refugee crisis with minimal humanitarian aid during COVID. Some humanitarian aid in Africa has stopped altogether with COVID so we get to be the people to bring much needed medical supplies, medical assistance, and humanitarian aid work to Malawi. As we’ve said previously, we don’t want to just travel the world and take and consume but actually give back and help the people in places we travel so we are striving to do good and stay crazy!
We're embracing the next chapter by simplifying our lives, exploring our dreams, and connecting with what truly matters.
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We are working in the UNHCR Dzaleka refugee camp in Malawi to bring much needed healthcare, supplies, education, and empowerment to the people who live here while creating a sustainable development business model for local families to provide incomes.
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⇨ Join the Crazy Empty Nest Tribe: www.crazyemptynest.com/tribe
We’re Crazy Empty Nest, we’ve decided to make some changes to live our lives to have more freedom and options and we really want to give you hope that, whatever your situation, the best is yet to come.
We are documenting our process of downsizing, renovating a vintage RV, exploring the world, retiring early, and figuring out what is left on our bucket list.This channel aims to provide you with how to transition to this new phase of life, how to simplify and de-stress your life, amazing overlanding journeys and beginner’s tips, ...and showing you some of the best hidden gems and adventures around the world.
So, If you’re into travel, overlanding, adventure or just want to see what life can be like after the kids have left, then Hit subscribe and join our midlife crisis as we chase our dreams and become...the crazy empty nest.
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