On the 13th of September 2015 Irish people came together to spell out their welcome to refugees. This is the AERIAL VIDEO! To view the video in HD be sure to press the HD icon on the right, the quality will be much better!!
If you agree refugees are welcome in Ireland email your TD and tell them.
Special thanks to Shaun Davey and Tara Music for use of Newfoundland from The Brendan Voyage & the 700 people who braved the rain and wind!
Made by: Darren Bolger, Steve Kingston, Jesse Jones, Caroline Campbell, Clare O'Connor, Nicky Gogan, Paul Rowley, Maria Hennessy, Shane O'Curry, Edel McGinley, Mark Malone, Christian McHugh, Helen Lowry and Caroline Reid.
Filmed at an action put together by an NGO coalition including ActionAid Ireland , Comhlámh, Christian Aid Ireland, Community Workers' Co-operative, CORI (Conference of Religious in Ireland), Crosscare Migrant Project, Dóchas, Enar Ireland, Immigrant Council of Ireland, Irish Missionary Union, Irish Refugee Council, Mayo Intercultural Action, Mercy International Association, Migrant Rights Centre Ireland, Oxfam Ireland, Trocaire, and World Vision Ireland.