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Being refreshed by the great view from Seseragi Kaido and Japanese view from Gujo Hachiman

Today's touring route is from Seseragi Kaido, Gifu Prefecture, through Gujo Hachiman.
Seseragi Kaido is one of the famous road to riders.
The road is 65km and it took 90mins to run while enjoying the view.
The green leaves in spring, The deep green leaves in summer, the autumn leaves in fall, and snow in winter. you can enjoy those 4 kinds of views and feel 4 seasons.
Gujo Hachiman is also known as the water city and it is a castle town which has a mountain view.
Even though in the summer, you can enjoy the cool temperature and there is also a waterway beneath you.
Why don't you go for a walk in Japanese authentic town view?

After you watch it, please leave a " 🐶" emoji!

【Today's touring route】
Seseragi Kaido→Town View in Gujo Hachiman→Motor Cycle Parfait→Roadside station Meiho→Seseragi Kaido

Chapter is below:
0:21 Riding - Seseragi Kaido
1:34 The great view that makes us pull over
2:14 Riding
3:16 Gujo Hachiman's fantastic view
4:55 Motor Cycle Parfait
5:45 Riding
7:19 Shopping at Roadside station Meiho
8:15 Meiho Gelato
8:44 Riding

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   / @marismotorcyclevlog3378  

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【Introduce myself】
Name: Mari(from japan)
Motorcycle: Kawasaki Ninja650 KRT edition
From 250cc, I changed it to Ninja650, and on weekend, I enjoy touring.
I love motorcycle, but I'm still learning about the motorcycle and riding technique. Please give me some advise.
Thank you!

#womanrider #touring #motoblog #ninja650 #Japantrip
