Here is The Goddess Videos version of Liliac - Rebel Girl
We would like to remind people that we are just fangs of Liliac but they are in no way involved in making these videos.
We've gotten a couple of comments that sounded like they think we are Liliac. We just want to clarify that NO we are NOT affiliated with Liliac in any way. (except helping to support them by buying concert tickets, Meet and Greet passes, Merch of course, raffle tickets and the new Madness CD)
I know they have seen some of our videos and like them, but we just make videos to their music as our way of showing how much we love this band and if these videos can help promote Liliac to the world, then we've done what we wanted to do.
We hope you enjoy this video and be on the lookout for more Goddess Videos soon from the Madness album! RORH
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