"Would you consider making a saltwater aquarium?" This has been one of the most requested videos on the channel since 2016! As I explained, it's something I've wanted to do for awhile. I just wanted to ensure I did it right. That way, I can learn as much as possible with my first tank and translate that all into more accessible/intricate builds in the future.
I've known I would create a reef aquarium for years now, but it was just a matter doing it. I was pretty nervous at first and even now I'm constantly checking up on the tank. However, I'm the type of person that just has to go for it and I think this was the push I needed. Plus it got me to finish the new animal room much faster than anticipated, so that's a bonus.
I knew I would like it all and I'm sure I will even more with time, but I'm enjoying it way more than I expected. I guess that's until something goes wrong, but I'm here for it. It's pretty cool to start something completely new, with minimal prior knowledge.
Anyway, the won't be the last of saltwater from me. Stay tuned for more and for updates on this tank. Thank you for encouraging me to do this now for the past six years or so.
This entire build was sponsored and provided by Fritz Aquatics. They made a video as well, documenting the process. Check it out!
• Setting Up SerpaDesign FIRST Saltwate...
You should also check out Tidal Gardens. Than's coral farm is incredible!
/ @tidalgardens
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00:00 Why I'm Finally Making a Saltwater Aquarium
03:08 A Brief Introduction to Water and Marine Salt
04:49 Planning for the Build
06:09 Unboxing the Components
06:47 Moving the Aquarium Into the Animal Room
07:38 Configuring the Sump and Plumbing
10:14 Overview of Hardscape Elements
11:06 Crafting an Arched Cave Hardscape
14:07 The Tank Cracked?
14:56 Lighting and Other Items
15:21 Mixing and Adding the Saltwater
16:15 Going to Tidal Gardens for Coral
17:11 Feeling Humbled
17:58 Collecting Corals for my New Aquarium
18:54 Going to a Fish Store in Ohio
19:33 Acclimating the Fish, Crabs, Snails, and Coral
20:18 Adding Life to the Tank
21:59 The New Saltwater Aquarium
22:33 My Thoughts and Experience Thus Far
25:30 Excited for What's Next
#saltwater #aquarium #serpadesign