HIJACK Episode 7 Breakdown | Ending Explained, Things You Missed & Season Finale Review | Apple TV+. We breakdown and explain the latest Apple TV+ mystery thriller streaming series for Apple TV+. We talk about and breakdown episode 7, theories, series plot, things you missed, and our reaction & review of this latest Apple TV+ mystery thriller streaming series HIJACK starring Idris Elba.
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We did it everyone, the final episode of HiJack has lined up their heading, and landed the plane as bestest as they could, with some final twists, turns, and reveals to nicely tie up this limited Apple TV+ series. Honestly, week to week was a tense, edge of my seat watch that I loved.
So fasten those seat belts one last time, as we break down everything in this final episode, and if you are new here, welcome to JBuck Airlines, please like and subscribe to stay up to date on all of our newest breakdowns and other videos.
Otherwise thank you so much for clicking this, sit back and prepare for a rough landing, as we get into episode 7 of HiJack.
So last week’s huge reveal was the quiet woman sitting in first class, seemingly gets up, has a gun, pops the pilot Robin, and hijackers the hijacks in some sort of 30,000 feet highway robbery. Like we had theorized, she was a contingency plan put in place by Edgar and John as a last second smokescreen to the other hijackers. It was true none of them were told of others on the plane being involved, and she is essentially the final part of the plan. But unlike what we thought, Amanda is not related to the organized crime group in any way, but rather in a similar situation as the other hijackers and Neela, with the threat of her family being kidnapped and their lives threatened.
Our sense of disbelief has to be lessened a bit to fully believe the reach of this Cheapside Firm, but it's revealed Amanda worked as a aviation consultant and former member of the Navy, which makes sense how she is able to flawlessly delete the flight plan, change the heading, essentially fly a commercial airliner like it’s nothing, and why she was picked as the last person of this grand plan, receiving the text message of “NOW” from episode 6. Now in order to save her daughter, she has to fly the plane until receiving a confirmation message from Edgar, which we’ll get into in a bit, otherwise the plane is going to crash in the heart of London.
With the other hijackers unaware of Amanda’s involvement, it’s also revealed that Alec, the businessman who has remained fairly quiet throughout these last 6 episodes, was part of this elaborate plan too. Let's.. Let’s just get into the plan, so essentially Edgar and John set up a “retirement plan” for themselves, where they would hijack the plane, therefore using the hijacked plane as a bartering chip to get out of prison. While all of this mumbo jumbo is happening, Alec and Delvin had set up trades via the stock market and then use the reporter Felix to notify news outlets that flight KA29 has been hijacked.
This video contains JBuck Studios HIJACK Episode 7 Breakdown | Ending Explained, Things You Missed & Season Finale Review | Apple TV+ /// HIJACK Episode 7 Breakdown Reaction /// HIJACK Episode 7 Spoiler Review
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