I will always miss Ash and Pikachu in the anime series, but I'm excited to see how much Liko and Roy will grow and blossom in this new Pokemon series! ✨
►ORIGINAL BY: @asmiOfficialChannel
• Dokimeki Diary
►INSTRUMENTAL BY: godwinowulo
Gonna ride the high tide up into the sky
My heart's beating fast but I'll
Keep my smile
Now I find myself feeling lost for words
So many times that seem to give my heart a whirl
And yet somehow they brighten up my day as it goes
"Oh lookie here, it's the flower that I love the most!"
We never know what's gonna happen everyday!
The fog's so thick that I can't see. "Why am I going this way?"
"Oh wait? I think I found somebody's diary"
"It's so exciting, but I think I'll just pretend I didn't see"
My heart can't take this, why?
Whoa oh-oh Whoa oh-oh-oh
I won’t be doubting me, I’m starting to believe that I
Will soar up and fly, up above the sky
Slow and steady, now I’m ready, oh I’m
Setting my sight to new heights
Gonna ride the high tide up into the sky
My heart's beating fast but I'll
Cheer on yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Don’t let your fear of the unknown stop you from reaching your goals
Dazzling daydreams gather to me,
Gonna leave the world dancing
Singing yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
We won't be wasting any time, come on now don't be shy
I wanna see what I could be
There's still a lot that I don't know, but I will grow grow grow grow
Gonna find the spark in me
If I could go out on my own and shout aloud, “Here I go!”
Maybe then, I'll start to grow up a little bit more
►DISCORD: discord.gg/UhHkGWh
►SPOTIFY: open.spotify.com/artist/3jZ50A5HPpdjBURNGeweYV?si=…
►TWITCH: www.twitch.tv/danglemusic
►PATREON: www.patreon.com/danglemusic
►TWITTER: twitter.com/DangleMeme
►INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/dangle_music/
►TIKTOK: www.tiktok.com/@danglememe?lang=en
#PokemonHorizons #dokimekidiary #asmi #chinozo