#FNDAware #voices4FND #scratchcards
If you wish to donate to this amazing charity you can Donate to the fundraiser for FND Dimensions charity number 1170584
You can send to Tim via PayPal.me/close2seven
Or to the Love and humanity Peterborough account
Sort code 05-06-67
Account 46243610
100% of all donations will be forwarded to FND Dimensions and full proof will be shown on the Close2seven channel 💖🥰
Check out the other participants 👍, there maybe more I will let you know if there are as the week goes on, but those that have confirmed are 🤗
Mr A Scratch: / @mrascratch
Close2seven: / @close2sevenyt
Scratch card Lady • 💎💎Day 2 channel challenge Diamond Hei...
Scratchcard Family: / @scratchcardfamily3619
Super Smiley : youtube.com/c/SuperSmileyScratchCards
The Cornish Scratcher: • 💎💎day 2 of the 💎heist 🦹♀️scratch car...