The pandemic has changed a lot of things and has affected us all in a variety of different ways. But one change you may not of thought about are changes within you microbiome.
Our microbiomes are not passengers within our bodies but instead play an active role in mediating various processes including shaping our immune response. Moreover, dysbiosis of our microbiomes have been linked with various diseases including obesity and type 2 diabetes. These disease have been associated with increased risk of severe symptoms regarding COVID-19.
So, how is the pandemic altering your microbiome? Is it good, bad, or is it accelerating a decline in microbiome diversity that is already being observed? What has this got to do with the hygiene hypothesis? And what can we do about this, change our diet and actions, to both prevent the spread of coronavirus whilst also maintaining gut microbiome diversity and health...
**Please note, as i mention in the video, we should be finding ways both to prevent covid transmission AND reduce loss of microbial diversity. This would be the winning combination to potentially prevent dysbiosis which could increase susceptibility to more severe symptoms of covid 19 infection.
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Microbiome is... - 00:00
How pandemic interventions are disrupting.. - 02:24
Why you should care? - 05:20
Vulnerable - 08:55
What you can do - diet - 10:00
What can you do - other - 11:06
The hygiene hypothesis, the COVID pandemic, and consequences for the human microbiome;
The hygiene
COVIDiet; Nutrients 2020, 12(6), 1730;
Blaser, M., Falkow, S. What are the consequences of the disappearing human microbiota?. Nat Rev Microbiol 7, 887–894 (2009).
COVID 19 mortality: Probable role of microbiome to explain disparity; 10.1016/j.mehy.2020.110209
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