Don't forget to check out and use our code THETAKEHOLIDAYS to get 20% off of your order! 🎆 The leadup to the new year is often filled with a range of emotions, from joy to dread, anticipation to full on anxiety. And there’s one New Year’s Eve tradition that can pull all of these emotions together at once – getting a kiss as the clock hits midnight. A superstition with a surprisingly long history, it’s become the way to greet each new year for many, but that doesn’t mean that things always go as planned… Let’s take a deeper look at the pressure to get the perfect midnight kiss, the variations that have arisen over time, how even securing that smooch doesn’t mean things will play out the way you had hoped, and how this tradition is changing today.
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00:00 Intro
00:43 The pressure to fix your life for the new year...
02:05 Kissing traditions
02:55 The fear of a lonely new year
03:33 Thanks to CyclingFrog!
05:15 The many kinds of NYE kisses
05:34 Actually just friends
06:10 Interrupted moments
06:22 "Just friends" (who want to be more!)
06:52 A quiet moment for people in love
07:37 The big, cinematic events
08:59 The aftermath isn't always new year's bliss...
10:19 Making the most of NYE, no matter how you spend it!
The Take was created by Debra Minoff & Susannah McCullough
Movies & Shows mentioned/shown in this video:
Friends, When Harry Met Sally, Sex and the City, Living Single, Absolutely Fabulous, The Golden Girls, Starstruck, How I Met Your Mother, Peep Show, Dash and Lily, Gossip Girl, The O.C., The X Files, Bridget Jones's Diary, About A Boy, Mermaids, New Year's Eve, The Apartment, Rent, Modern Family, The Office, My So-Called Life, High School Musical, While You Were Sleeping, Batman Returns, Last Holiday, Carol, About Time, Waiting to Exhale, Phantom Thread, Love, Actually, Forrest Gum