(Timestamps below)
The third installment of the Serendipitous Deck Sermons {Previously known as : ‘Our Divine Threads}
These sermons are a way to create a virtual sanctuary for nurturing the journey of meta-consciousness and of spiritual awakening.
...One Serendipitous Card At A Time.
Overall Description:
Channelling the messages from a deck of cards that have come to me by appearing in my literal path on the street as I have walked through the years of my life. Using them, I am here to create a space that I have always longed for myself on this journey.
I am aligned with my own relationship with Source and developed practices which have grown with me. I am not affiliated with any organised religions.
This practice treasures and teaches self-acceptance, love and responsibility, oneness, consciousness of the individual and of the collective.
I believe our awakenings and relationships with source, the universe, deities etc are personal journeys. I am grateful to encourage and support you on yours through this series.
If nothing else, may this provide to you, a reminder amidst the chaos that you are alive, you are the universe experiencing consciousness through the human form we chose this time around and that, you matter.
The format will grow and change as I find my footing with this kind of space shared. Surely, my editing will get smoother and I thank you for the attention and love you bring by engaging with this.
Timestamps (minutes.seconds)
00.01 Welcome message - New Moon Meditation exercise explained
8.11 - 15.37 Communing with the card/ Personal exercise time with music
15.40 - 19.00 On Neptune Stationing Direct
19.00 - 26.44 Speaking on this gatherings card (A for Ants)
26.44 - 28.10 Reiki Healing Timeless Channel
31.00 Couple lovely Quotes
32.25 Wrap up and Next Week
Music Credits:
Relaxing Downbeat Tempo - Clipchamp
Gentle Piano Meditation NaturesEye - Music by Leigh Robinson from Pixabay