See below how I have helped my daughter’s hair thrive over the years.
Brush - unbrush from tiktok
1. Low manipulation has helped my daughter’s hair retain length and health. I don’t do any crazy styles on her especially ones that have a lot of tension. The most I will do occasionally are some braids but that’s about it. I just let her hair be! If she’s wearing ponytails, I make sure to use silk or velvet scrunchies to prevent breakage as well.
2. Water, water water! My daughter’s hair loves water. It helps any product that I apply be absorbed, and it also helps with her styling, detangling, and quenches her curls.
3. I cleanse her hair one to two times a month and when I do, I make sure to use a cleanser that does not strip her hair in anyway. I also do a lot of co-washing in between to keep her hair hydrated. Or if I’m lazy because doing her hair is definitely a full-time job. I will take a water bottle and spray her hair until it is drenched and apply some kind of curling moisturizing, hair cream, and a conditioner.
4. Although it’s difficult, I try my best to make sure she sleeps either with a bonnet on, or on a silk pillowcase to prevent breakage, especially on her edges when she sleeps. This girl‘s hair gets knotted instantly so this is a must or I will have to pay for it later with an intense detangling session 😩.
5. When I detangler her hair, I make sure I always start from the ends and work my way up. Never start from the roots because it will just create more knots and tangles and become a nightmare. I also like to use a tangled teaser brush, or some kind of brush that has really small bristles because the way her hair texture is, most brushes do not work and will create more problems. I have a lot of patience with these detangling sessions because sometimes they take about an hour but that’s also because she’s tender headed 😆.
6. Lastly, I like to make sure I use some kind of oil on her hair, but most importantly, on her scalp. My favorite oil to use are rosemary oil. It soothes her scout plus she loves the way it smells and it also promotes hair growth.
If you have any questions lemme know! 🫶🏽 & If you have any tips comment pleas