Ta'veren Arcade is a channel segment where we play games based on pop-culture fandoms. We invite guests from the aether to participate in various fun, engaging, and entertaining games. Adult beverages may be involved on occasion. ;)
Tavern's Socials:
Patreon: /taveren_tavern
WoT Merch: https://www.redbubble.com/people/Tave...
Twitter: / taveren_tavern
TikTok: / taveren_tavern
Discord: / Ta'veren Tavern
YouTube: / @taverentavern
Twitch: / drake088
Instagram: / taveren_tavern
Thom's Socials:
Patreon: / talkaranrhiod
Web: https://dragonmount.com/
LightBlindedFool's Socials:
Discord: / sklightblindedfool
Skeeter's Socials:
BlueSky: / skeeterish
Instagram: / skeeterish
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