Follow/visit my linked Instagram for sewing inspiration and clothing upcycling reels. I am testing sewing hacks so you can improve your sewing skills. Are these sewing tips and tricks worth it? We test 5 minute crafts sewing hacks and viral sewing techniques that can simplify sewing. Is this diy biais tape hack worth trying? Learn how to make your own biais tape to sew frugal and save costs. Reuse scrap fabric to make biais tape for a sustainable sewing project. Follow for sewing ideas for old clothing repurposing and fashion upcycling ideas using sewing tutorials hacks and fabric manipulation tutorials to rework clothes.
Let's take a critical look at those sewing hacks videos that are crazy and genius at the same time. What can we learn and what can we forget straight away. These DIY sewing hacks are tempting for the beginner sewer, however some are really simplifying pattern drawing and sewing just a little too much causing more confusion than being helpful sewing tips and tricks. Join me in this fashion designer reaction video and learn along as we watch 5 minute crafts sewing hacks and dissect closely what is happening in every scene. If you are a beginner sewist looking for beginner friendly sewing advice, these crazy sewing hacks will provide at least some inspiration for your next beginner friendly sewing project. In this 5 minute crafts reaction video I will show how to look at those sewing hacks more closely and together we really find out what is happening and why. Are these sewing lessons here to teach or should we consider them pure entertainment. The 5 minute sewing hacks reaction was born as I see a lot of positive comments under these sewing hacks, although I think we should look a little closer to realize a lot of these so called diy sewing hacks and diy fashion hacks are mostly for entertainment purposes and real value might me lacking. Reaction to 5 minutes decor sewing video that is notorious for showing some out-there fashion hacks that might not be for everybody.
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