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[가사번역] Still Love You by Baasik / 네가 상처받을 걸 알면서도 바쁘다고 말 했었지 / 내게 필요한 건 너뿐이라는 걸 몰랐었어

🎁 Lyrics

Still Love You / Baasik

Did you know I still love you
Even after all this time

Girl I’m still thinking of you
If I could only press rewind

When I was spending weekends staring at my coffee
Thinking of nobody else but me

Telling you I’m working knowing you were hurting
Never knowing you were all I need

Did you know I still love you
Even after all this time

Girl I’m still thinking of you
If I could only press rewind

Did you know I still need you
Even after all this time

Girl you know I still see you
Feeling like I’ll lose my mind

Tryna fall asleep by trying to convince myself
That we’re better off this way

Chillin’ watching movies trying not to text you
‘Cause I know exactly what you’ll say

Did you know that I loved you
But baby after all this time

I’m so much better without you
And you could never change my mind

But did you know I still love you
Did you know I still love you
If I could only press rewind

Did you know I still love you
Did you know I still love you

같은상황 같은 공간에서 함께 음악을 들으며
감정을 공유할순없지만 알수없는 누군가가
영상을 보고 들으며 저와 같은 느낌 같은
감정을 느낀다고생각하면 왠지모르게 따뜻한
위로를 받고 있다는 생각을 많이 합니다.
여러분도 음악을 들으며 누군가와 감정을
공유하며 위로를 받으시는
온라인 공간이 되시길 바랍니다.
From. Double. U

🧡❤구독하기 : bit.ly/3164Txq

We can't share our feelings
while listening to music
in the same space.
When someone who doesn't know
feels the same way as me
while watching and listening to a video,
I think I'm receiving a lot of warm
comfort without knowing why.
I hope you enjoy listening to music,
sharing your feelings with others, and
being comforted online place
From. Double. U

❤🧡subscribe : bit.ly/3164Txq

Copyright Double.U All Rights Reserved.

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전체를 복제, 전송, 배포하거나 변경하여 사용할 수 없습니다.

This video will not be released in any case without official permission.
Some or all of the images cannot be replicated, transferred, distributed, or changed to use.

Uplifting, Carefree, Hopeful, Love, Groovy, Serious

Video Theme
Technology, Road Trip, Building & City, Nightlife, Fashion, Aerials, Vlog & Commercial, Travel, Lifestyle

Acoustic Guitar, Claps & Snaps, Bells, Synth, Vocal, Backing Vocals, Keys, Electronic Drums


Pop, Electro
