THE MILL (2023) Ending Explained | Spoiler Breakdown, What The Ending REALLY Means & Review | Hulu. We breakdown and explain the latest Hulu Science Fiction Thriller movie THE MILL. We talk about and breakdown the story, ending, what the ending REALLY means, different things you may have missed, and our reaction & review of this latest Hulu Science Fiction Thriller movie THE MILL starring Lil Rel Howery.
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Hulu-ween is just in time for the spooooookkkyyy season, and The Mill is a straight up horror film for all of us working that 9 to 5… grind. You know mill, grind, work. Huh Huh? Annyyywwaaayyy in this video we’re going to break down all of the pieces of The Mill, the ending, what it really means, and of course our reaction and review
I’m JBuck, Welcome to JBuck Studios. Thank you so much for stopping by, please click that Like button and Subscribe as it really helps out the channel, and gets me one step closer to escaping the Mallard matrix we’re all stuck in. Now let’s get into The Mill
So The Mill opens with Joe, a corporate average joe schlub, waking up in some sort of dystopian Squid Games like cell, with only an old grinding mill in the center of the room. Confused, angry, helpless, Joe learns there are other workers in this same predicament, as the rules are quickly established by his company’s siri like AI duck, Mallard stating the work day is 16 hours, 6am to 10pm. The workers can do whatever they want with this time, but there is a work quota. For every rotation of the mill, this equates to 1 point. Failure to meet your daily quota results in a punishment. However there is a catch… The employee with the lowest number by the end of the work day is terminated, therefore building in a wrinkle of the individual quotas each worker is given. None of them get out until Mallard says so. Just do the work.
Joe with a wife and a child on the way, obviously has something to live for, taking it upon himself to smash his quota. Doubling it to 100 his first day, 150 his second day, and becoming a corporate shill, overachiever his third day, ending with 370 rotations. Like any company thinking it’s a great idea to award all of their employees with a pizza party for their hard work, Joe is given a gift of a company pen, engraved with his name Yeah, f$#% that. Joe obviously shows his distaste for the gift, given his current situation, however his disrespect for Mallard gives him a penalty. He must now complete 2 revolutions of the mill just to equate 1 point. So instead of 370, he essentially has to complete 740 rotations of the mill to meet his quota.
This video contains JBuck Studios THE MILL (2023) Ending Explained | Spoiler Breakdown, What The Ending REALLY Means & Review | Hulu /// THE MILL Spoiler Breakdown Reaction /// THE MILL Huluween Lil Rel Howery Sci-Fi Thriller Movie TWISTED Ending Breakdown
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