Many of you Folks have been asking us to do an ACCAPELLA VERSION. I hope you will like it. God bless you all
AMBASSADORS OF CHRIST CHOIR ABANTU BU MUKIZA-ACAPELLA- Official Video 2022 Be sure to SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, SHARE and FOLLOW the Ambassadors of Christ on this channel, but ALSO on:
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Instagram: @ Ambassadors of Christ Choir
SONG CREDITS: Words, Music & Arrangement: BY SSOZI JORAM
Voicing & Audio Editing: Ambassadors of Christ Choir Studio
Video Credits: Doux
Venue Credits: Rwanda Union Mission
Audio rights: Exclusively by Ambassadors of Christ Choir, recorded @ Ambassadors of Christ studio.
Video rights exclusively owned by Ambassadors of Christ Choir
Song Lyrics: There is a lyrics version uploaded on this channel
Ambassadors of Christ Choir is not currently in agreement with anyone to license the Music in our Videos. Those doing it on several of our songs are infringing and we are working to rectify it. The details will be officially announced on our official platforms.