Many of the most loved worship songs played on acoustic guitar. Instrumental Collection of Worship Fingerstyle Guitar Music for Prayer, Bible study, relaxation and Meditation on God's Word. Hymns and Christian songs played on Acoustic fingerstyle guitar. I hope and pray this 5 Hours of worship music arrangement helps you be encouraged and get closer to the Lord Jesus Christ our Savior.
David Im
Christian Fingerstyle Guitarist
1. Goodness of God - 0:00
2. God will Make a Way - 3:33
3. You are My All in All - 7:44
4. Shout to the Lord - 11:08
5. Give Thanks - 14:59
6. Ten Thousand Reasons - 20:27
7. Above All - 23:55
8. Here I am to Worship - 28:12
9. As the Deer - 32:57
10. My Tribute - 38:07
11. Amazing Grace - 42:19
Also If you have any Christian songs that you want to listen to in fingerstyle guitar, please leave a comment below. Thanks!
My recordings and guitar arrangements are copyrighted as is this video.
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#Guitar #Worship #5hours